I was TAGGED by Dith to write 20 Favorite things--I am going to write my favorite things at the moment.
1. SHOES SHOES SHOES: It will always be my favorite thing :)
2. Rosary Necklaces: I am so addicted to them...
3. Men's watch: not a big fan of watch, but I love BIG face silver/Gold men's watch
4. Racer-back tanks
5. Neon Pink and green nail polish and tanks
6. Traveling: I love flying than driving!!!
7. Anything with Buckles, Zips, and Studs
8. MUSIC MUSIC: I have to sleep with my Ipod
9. Ice cream with banana and strawberries
10. Cinnamon Toast Cereal: love it with my peak milk :)
Anyways, I am so tired and my head hurts; so, I am going to bed. I will finish up the next 10 favourite things on another post.
Before I sign off, If you love Uggs boots, check out Whooga Ugg Boots--$30 off if you enter the word JADOREFASH
Happy shopping :)
later guys, Have a lovely weekend!