The wedding is over, including my weekend. Had a blast at the wedding--so many emotions, but fun moments. The bride/bridal train looked so beautiful. For the wedding, I decided to wear...(drum roll please)...LOL! The funny thing is that I didn't even wear any of the things I intended on wearing. I guess my mood changed few mintues before I left the door. I decide to wear a black skirt that has this studded belt and a white long sleeve shirt with this jewelry that is mixed with gold chain/pearls. The sad part is that I didn't even take any picture with my camera, so I am waiting for my friends to upload the ones they took. With the crazy rain, It kinda washed out my thinking regarding taking any picture--so no pictures for now. Hopefully my friends will post it before the end of the week; but I will still post other days outfit.
Thanks guys for wishing me well on my assignments. It went very well; now I have my first exam for the semester on Friday. I don't know whether to look forward to Friday or NOT.
To celebrate after my exam, I am thinking of a night out with the PRAY for me :)
Hope the weekend went well for you guys!
PS: am sad they had to cancel TBL (The Beautiful Life) :(Enjoy: Twenty8Twelve Spring 2010

Love the jeans vest & jumpsuits...cropped top is not going anywhere soon! Love the collection.